Thursday, March 12, 2009

That's Quite a Toss

Ben is very observant about a few things. He must have noticed someone sliding into base and decided it looked fun, and he must have picked up on the way the kids drop their bat after hitting. This is his version...


Sam loves his train movie these days. He has a special talent for singing and surprises us with the many songs he knows the words to. I caught him singing with his video the other day.

Sam the man

Sam is getting busier by the day trying to keep up with his older brothers. He is enjoying the baseball games, too, although I am positive he would rather be out on the field than watching. He has managed to find some fun things to do with Ben around the fields.

Luke at Bat

Luke has done a great job learning the basics of the game. It has been fun watching him start to see the fun in being part of a team... Go, Rockies!

A Tight Call at Third

Ben had an exciting run around the bases at his second game, and I managed to capture this dramatic third base moment.

Opening Day

The boys both started T-ball this month. It is great entertainment at this age. Luke seems to be especially enjoying the experience. Luke is on the Rockies, and Ben plays for the Angels.